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Part 1: Get fired up

Part 1

Part 1: Get fired up

Pages 1-9 in OY and 1-7 in 90D

Ready to do life in a whole new, wonderful way?! So are we! Whether you’ve chosen One-Year or 90-Day PowerSheets, it’s time to crack open the cover and dive in. In Part 1, you’ll hear a quick breakdown of the Prep Work process—then go do it! Together we’ll brainstorm your big-picture plans, name what fires you up (and what doesn’t!), and get those swirling thoughts out on paper so you can start building momentum and living the life you’ve always imagined. Let’s do this! .

YOUR TURN: How do you feel about turning the page on 2022 and starting a new year? Comment below – we can’t wait to cheer you on!

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I’m super excited to get going on 2023 and making it a year of growth and new adventures!

Elske Antonissen
Elske Antonissen

I’m so ready! I’ve accomplished a lot this year, on to a new year filled with opportunities and new growth!

Jeanne Rodick
Jeanne Rodick

2022 has been challenging, to say the least. I’m ready to see 2023 bring big change and huge growth.

Chantel Jones
Chantel Jones
Reply to  Jeanne Rodick

Same! We’re a military family and I had to move with my three children solo due to deployment. I am excited to see what 2023 has in store.

Carol Boney
Carol Boney

New to power sheets and so excited to receive mine and start this new journey.


I’m so ready for 2023! We are moving in the next month or so into our dream lake home. I can’t wait to use Power sheets to help us do that.


I am happy with the progress I’ve made this year, and excited to see what’s next for 2023! I think the hard part will be paring down to the essentials. I have 10 million great goal ideas, but can’t fit them all into 2023, so will have to set some priorities!

Multifaceted Lorraine
Multifaceted Lorraine

Hi Jennifer, I’m hoping that you can help me – How did you get your picture into the circle? I created my Gravatar and it appears on Gravatar.com but it’s not showing up here??
Btw, I’m a multi-passionate and I’m so with you about having countless ideas too. It’s a constant challenge for me to prioritize too but I’m getting better at it! 😄

Akessia Johnson
Akessia Johnson

I am excited for 2023! I made good progress this year and feel I have a clearer idea of what I want to focus on for the coming year.

Michaela Mayes
Michaela Mayes

2022 has been so challenging for me. I am thankful to be turning the page and starting a new year, and while I’m a little anxious, I am excited

Lisa Tilory
Lisa Tilory

Starting my 6th year in Powersheets and I can truly see how each year built upon the growth previous year. 2022 was my best year yet and I am amazed at what I accomplished with God’s help and my Powersheets! I can’t wait for 2023!

Mary Theobald
Mary Theobald

I am feeling motivated not only to make progress towards some major goals but also to let go of the limiting beliefs and ideas I wrote about on page 7. I have known what is holding me back from achieving my goals for some time now – I speak about these ideas in therapy often. However, I have never taken the time to write them out. There is something therapeutic about seeing these deeply held ideas on paper. Writing them down has taken them from abstractions of the mind to concrete things I know I need to let go of so I can make progress this year. I have a feeling 2023 is going to be a year full of forward momentum.


2022 was a year that was filled with promise, then there was a break up and well, suddenly 2020 didn’t seem that bad, lol. Honestly looking forward to 2023, and hoping for a reverse of the 2022 trend. Don’t mind starting out 2023 in the weeds but I would like to be as positive going into 2024 as I was going into 2022.

Ellyce Korber
Ellyce Korber

I definitely can identify with what you are saying. I am not willing to say 2022 wasn’t at all productive, but I am hoping 2023 will be better!

Emily Linhardt
Emily Linhardt

My word for 2022 is Grow Slow. I did not realize how hard it would be to slow down and pay attention to the areas of my life I have often ignored. The road has been super messy this year as a result. Although I did not make some of my goals, I made enough to feel like I accomplished something. For example, I didn’t lose 70 pounds, but I lost 15 pounds so I am still calling it a win. I am super excited to start working on 2023 goals and hope to gain momentum in achieving what I set out to do and hopefully continue to the lay the foundation of who I want to become.

Adriane Suder
Adriane Suder

I am so excited and SOOOO ready for the new year!

Briley Eilers
Briley Eilers

I love having this intentional time to dig into our powersheets!

Joy Bice
Joy Bice

I am using the 90day power sheets and wanted to begin in December instead of January. I may be starting slower because I wasn’t completely ready on Dec. 1 but I’m already loving this place to remember what’s important and take steps towards it. I wrote a letter today rather than putting it off because I wrote it down in my planner for today and it’s a goal to communicate more with my family members. 🙂 The prep work has been so helpful!

Erin Hodel
Erin Hodel

Very excited! First-time Powersheets user here. While not new to goal-setting (did it several years ago)…I had just very much lost my goal-setting motivation. Really looking forward to a refresh and getting inspired!!

Veronica Lenz
Veronica Lenz

I am very excited for getting somethings started and hopefully closer to accomplishing some dreams for 2023.

Shrea Andrews
Shrea Andrews

Im excited and anxious at the same time. This past year has been adventure of highs and lows.


I’m feeling excited for new goals and progress on goals that have been stalled for awhile. Ready to grow!

Beki Walkup
Beki Walkup

2022 has been a year in a cocoon. I’m ready to move forward with a purpose.

Kalie Welch
Kalie Welch

2022 was a great year! I am excited to start a new year with new goals and to continue on with some big picture goals!!

Rebecca Johnson
Rebecca Johnson

I am excited to be working on my prep work and taking this time for myself!

Diana Kessell
Diana Kessell

I’m ready to set new goals in 2023. Things I’m passionate about not required things. Super excited to move past the last few years and live a more intentional life.

Ashley Anthony
Ashley Anthony

So excited about 2023… the last time I did power sheets was in 2020, that year didn’t go so well… I feel like I’m finally coming out of the “fog” of the last few years. I’m excited to focus on the goals that God intends for me in this New Year!

Rachel Hopp
Rachel Hopp

I am a first time Powersheet user and I couldn’t be more thrilled to live more intentionally in 2023. In 2022 we transitioned to a family of four. In 2023 I’m excited to thrive as an individual, a wife, and in my role as a mother of two.

Regina Rohlsen
Regina Rohlsen

I feel ready!!! Each year, I continue to improve on my progress.

Multifaceted Lorraine
Multifaceted Lorraine

Having FINALLY reached several milestones in 2022, I’m super excited about 2023. It’s exciting and scary at the same as I feel like I’m about to write a new chapter. Change can be really scary but I’m remembering what Lara C said, “Decide you can” so I’m making that decision albeit scared!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Multifaceted Lorraine
Valerie Deutsch
Valerie Deutsch

First time user here. Looking forward to putting some more grace into my life.

Jennifer Stanley
Jennifer Stanley

2021 brought amazing changes and positivity in my life, 2022 seemed to suck that back out of me. I’m ready to get back to a healthy and positive life – physically, mentally, spiritually.

Kadijah Turay-Sengova
Kadijah Turay-Sengova

I’m so happy to see the changes I’ve made in 2022..little by little. I look forward to my 2023 renewal season.

Briley Eilers
Briley Eilers

I’m ready to see what 2023 has in store!

Missie Bourgeois
Missie Bourgeois

Excited and a little apprehensive! The last few years have brought a lot of change – some good, some not good-and quite a bit of upheaval. I’m ready to have a year I feel like I have a little more control of.

Erika Crawford
Erika Crawford

I’m relieved to get a do-over, a fresh start!

Lumei Montalvan
Lumei Montalvan

Grateful for 2022 believing the best is ahead.

Cassie Herman
Cassie Herman

This is my first year using Power Sheets. I’m excited and nervous!

Amanda Weed
Amanda Weed

I am so excited to get into this and get clear on what I am growing. And pull the weeds out of my view. I feel like I get lost in the small details and get lose sight of what i want. So i am very excited, to help get clarity.

Shannon Rolfe
Shannon Rolfe

I’m so excited to turn the page!!! Honestly, I usually am. I love new beginnings!!

Susan Prestwich
Susan Prestwich

Many life changes coming for 2023. I’m ready to get prep’d for them!

Kimberley Smith
Kimberley Smith

2022 was a year of transition. 2023 will be a year for resetting foundations.

Pamela M Groom
Pamela M Groom

I thought I didn’t accomplish or grow much last year, but I did the review at the end of December and revisited goals I had made last year, and I actually DID make progress. This makes me encouraged to do the prep work and keep applying myself for 2023.

Joni McGrath
Joni McGrath

I’m so excited to start 2023! I want to feel confident that I’m always working towards something, even if just little steps at a time. I don’t want to live passively any longer!

Michelle Trainor
Michelle Trainor

I’m super excited about 2023!!! Good things are coming, I can feel it!!!

Shawn Knapp
Shawn Knapp

looking forward to prep work, clearing out and focusing in

Catie Holt
Catie Holt

I feel like I just got used to writing -22 for the date, and here we are ready to jump into -23! I am looking forward to much learning and growing, which is also intimidating when I think about how much work will come with it. But this process helps me get “Fired Up” about it instead of feeling paralyzed by it. <3

Dr. G
Dr. G

I’m feeling anxious, but excited. I definitely took on too much this year and hit the point of legit burnout. I’m hoping to cultivate space for rest and stillness in the new year!

Ellyce Korber
Ellyce Korber

I’m conflicted. I started out well in 2022 but as the year went by I struggled a lot to make progress. I am hoping that going through this prep will encourage me and help me to look forward to 2023. I am not sure where I am headed so I am looking for clarity and motivation as I begin the prep work for 2023 PowerSheets.

Kathryn Asher
Kathryn Asher

I’m a little stressed about the prep work this year. In previous years, goals seemed to come to mind easily and I knew what I wanted to work. This year, I feel like I’m blanking when trying to come up with goal ideas, things that fire me up, etc.

Jessica Musser
Jessica Musser

I’ve always had a difficult time with goals and planning ahead. I’m so excited to go through this process and see what I can accomplish this year!

Robin Reed
Robin Reed

Just ordered for 2023 and am new to this. Can’t wait to dig in when my order arrives.

Lauren Jurczyszyn
Lauren Jurczyszyn

New to power sheets, but excited to create a year of healthy, flexible rhythms that suit my needs