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Part 3: Look ahead to the big picture

Part 3

Part 3: Look ahead to the big picture

Pages 16-21 in OY and 14-17 in 90D

We’re so proud of your progress, friend! In Part 3, we’re talking about legacy! Together we’ll brainstorm some ways to build a life that lasts longer than you—what will matter when you’re 80? 90? Or even 100?! This video will help you get clear on your WHY so that when you start setting your goals, you’ll feel confident that you’re cultivating what matters to you. This is the good stuff! Let’s dive in!

YOUR TURN! Tell us one thing you want to be a part of your cultivated year. Leave a comment below – you never know who you might inspire!

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I want to be part of a group like a book club where we can discuss issues and ideas. But it has to be a safe place. Too many times I get into discussions and people turn so defensive. It needs to be an accepting environment like the bookstore I found in a nearby city.

Elizabeth Heyerdahl
Elizabeth Heyerdahl

I would love to find a book club like the one you’re describing.

Multifaceted Lorraine
Multifaceted Lorraine

I found this question particularly hard to answer. 2 of my Big Picture visions have recently been up-leveled so it’s like starting at the beginning (of the next level) – know what I mean? There’s a lot of hard work at the beginning! And so, there’s a lot that I want to be a part of my cultivated 2023 year. I guess if I had to pick ONE THING, I would generalized it to say that I really want to be intentional about finding my authentic way of doing what I love and expressing it through my Home, Community and Vocation. I guess whatever I want to do in 2023, I’ll have to come back to this point for a check up. I want this check up point to be a part of my cultivated year. Then I’ll tend more to what’s working and weed out what isn’t working. Hope I’m making sense 🙃

Kim Williams
Kim Williams

Makes perfect sense to me! I haven’t filled out pages 18-19 yet, so this is helpful; I will keep this in mind as I do. I like the idea of coming back to these pages for a check-up!

Multifaceted Lorraine
Multifaceted Lorraine
Reply to  Kim Williams

So glad that it made sense Kim! 😅 Thanks for the reassurance 😄 Learning from experience, I’ve found that it’s so easy to get caught up with accomplishing our goals and ticking off To Dos and Monthly/Weekly/Daily Tasks, etc BUT what’s more important to me, is to check myself to see if what’s being done is aligned with my Big Picture and my Inner Core Goals. It’s not just what looks good but also what feels good/right/aligned. It’s such a fine line to me and it’s so easy to loose the root of what really matters in the busy-ness of things. 💕

Beki Walkup
Beki Walkup

I want more regular family outings to explore our city (and beyond).

Michaela Mayes
Michaela Mayes

So I had this idea while trying to figure out what to put on my “Living it out this year” page. I want to add more joy to my life with what I’m calling “daily joyful minutes”. I don’t think it will have to be something I plan out, though I want to, but even on my low energy days, I just want to recognize the things that are fun and bring me joy and make me smile. I think I’ll plan to write it out with my daily gratitude.

I hope that this little thought can help someone else too. I’m new to powersheets and it’s a little overwhelming but I’m enjoying the process and seeing what everyone else says.

Margaret Runnels
Margaret Runnels
Reply to  Michaela Mayes

I love this idea Michaela!! And I think you are so smart to leave yourself space to be big and bold or small, plan it out or spur of the moment. I am going to incorporate this into my action plan. Very late start this year for me, but better late than never. And welcome to Powersheets!!!!


Tough one, i want a managable cleaning routine to be part of my year and a exercise routine

Kim Williams
Kim Williams

If you have not yet heard of the Fly Lady Routine, I encourage you to check it out! Her website can be overwhelming but her routines are great; very bite-sized, and manageable, and helps you dig out of whatever situation you may find yourself in, and then helps you stay on top of it all. Lots of info on YouTube about her routines as well.

Erika Crawford
Erika Crawford

Setting intentional family time.

Mary Theobald
Mary Theobald

Regaining a sense of purpose in my life through re-entering the work force, slowly. I would like to have a part-time, seasonal job in the Spring and Summer to start. We will see where that takes me next!

Regina Rohlsen
Regina Rohlsen

For me, one thing I want is consistency. On some issues I’m doing ok, but with other issues, it can be hit or miss, but I keep trying. 🙂

Ellyce Korber
Ellyce Korber


Elizabeth Heyerdahl
Elizabeth Heyerdahl

This is hard to put into words but I want to incorporate more quiet and simple living. Imagine a cottage in the English countryside, days filled with sipping tea while rain falls on your windowsill, walks down the lane, simple pleasures, etc. Now, I can’t move to England but I’m trying to replicate the simple-living vibe. It brings me so much peace and I want to cultivate that even more in 2023.

Margaret Runnels
Margaret Runnels

I love this visual, Elizabeth!! Great picture on your vision board, or even to close your eyes and envision on tough days. Thank you for the idea!! That’s what I absolutely love about this CWM community!!!!

Dr. G
Dr. G

I want to take the time to explore more of my local community and potentially find hidden gems!

Savannah Barber
Savannah Barber

I want quiet to be part of my year. Which is a big goal with 4 kids haha

Marjorie O'Rourke
Marjorie O'Rourke

I want to improve my health in 2023. I have started the process. However, it is time to kick up a notch and move to the next step: losing the weight I need to lose. This will take time, discipline and determination.

Elizabeth Lockmuller
Elizabeth Lockmuller

This was so good!!!!

Margie Gibbs
Margie Gibbs

For me it would have to be consistency through out every area of my life and figuring out my new normal since I recently retired!

Melissa Mooney
Melissa Mooney

To come back to myself since I had a stroke 4 years ago. And get a new normal that sticks.

Margaret Runnels
Margaret Runnels
Reply to  Melissa Mooney

Cheering you on, Melissa!!

nicole haselberger
nicole haselberger

I really want to conquer the clutter in my home! Right now after the holidays it just feels like I am up to my eyeballs and I would really like to feel like I know what I have and where it is. I love for my home to feel peaceful and taming the clutter is an important part of that for me.

Emily Hozian
Emily Hozian

This may sound simple, but family dinners. Last year, I got married and we had our first child! Growing up, I can count on one hand the number of meals we as a whole family sat together around the table. I want this to change and be part of my legacy as a wife and mom! I want to start this early, so my daughter always remembers and knows that the dinner table is a safe, fun place where she gets to spend time with mom and dad. I also want to start family devotions this year, even though she’s only 2 months old today!

Margaret Runnels
Margaret Runnels
Reply to  Emily Hozian

That is fantastic, Emily! Congratulations on your daughter. I love your idea and think you are definitely on the right track. Might I suggest that you give yourself grace and space in this. Kids seem to remember the feelings they had a lot longer than the details. So the “table” might have takeout or pizza on it, or it might be a table at a fast food place in between extracurriculars. The important thing is the people around it. Good luck!!!

Rebekah A Heeg
Rebekah A Heeg

I am a boy mom who does not like to snuggle.. well.. when they were babies it was easy to hold them etc.. but now they are big boys.. so positive touch.. a hug.. sitting by them during tv watching.. i even got a massage table and give them short massages as i have time.. i want to be present in their lives and show them love so that they feel loved(reference: 5 love languages by gary chapman)

Heather Ward
Heather Ward

I want to have more in-person social events. I work from home and rarely leave my house during the week unless it’s for needed errands. I long to be part of a group that regularly meets or attend social events for that human interaction.